Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Round 5 Feature Match: Pacman Nexus vs. Aggro Drago

Game 1

Our Round 5 Feature match is between Aggro Drago and Pacman Nexus. Pacman will be going first for this match.

To set his resources up, Pacman sets 2 cards in the shape of a capital “T,” with a set Monster and a Spell or Trap behind it. The bottom of the T is flipped up in Aggro’s Draw Phase when Pacman plays his Trap Dustshoot. Pacman notes that Aggro is playing Karakuris and returns an unknown monster to Aggro’s deck.

Aggro makes up for this by Summoning a Genex Neutron, with the intent of searching a new Karakuri monster in the End Phase. Aggro attacks into Pacman’s set monster, hoping to apply pressure to Pacman. Much to Aggro’s dismay, however, the set monster is Ryko, Lightsworn Hunter! Not only is Neutron destroyed, but Aggro can no longer search his deck. After Ryko sends a second Ryko, a BLS, and a Veiler from Pacman’s deck to Grave, Aggro sets down 3 backrows and passes.

Pacman sets a card to his backrow, only for it to get destroyed by Mystical Space Typhoon in the End Phase (Writer’s note: Aggro made a play that is common in Yugioh today. Setting Mystical Space Typhoon is often a terrible idea, especially when the opponent has no cards set. This is a bad option generally, because it opens up Heavy Storm to be a plus. Additionally, the only commonly played chainable cards in the format are Book of Moon and Trap Dustshoot. Barring the Plant Synchro matchup, you have no reason to fear chainable Traps in the current format).

It is here that the two begin a chain of drawing and passing. Aggro draws and sets a Spell or Trap card. Pacman sets a monster. Aggro ends without plays. Pacman passes after drawing for his turn. Aggro again ends his turn without doing anything. Pacman sets a backrow, then Aggro sets a monster. Pacman draws a card, now with 6 in hand, and sets one Spell or Trap.

Aggro finally breaks the chain by playing Monster Reborn on Genex Neutron. Aggro proceeds to Flip Summon Karakuri Watchdog mdl 313 "Saizan" and Synchro for Karakuri Steel Shogun mdl 00X "Bureido". Pacman, ready to stop Aggro’s combos, flips up his set Solemn Warning and loses one-fourth of his Life Points to get rid of the Bureido.

Pacman attempts to apply pressure with a Thunder King Rai-Oh, but Aggro has Bottomless Trap Hole to destroy it. Aggro sets one card on his turn before passing play. He quickly flips the Trap Dustshoot that he had just set to return something in Pacman’s hand to the deck. Pacman Flip Summons Winged Kuriboh and swings for 300 damage, and Aggro took his first damage.

Aggro Summons Karakuri Soldier mdl 236 "Nisamu" and attacks over Winged Kuriboh to drop Pacman down to 4900 Life Points. Pacman Special Summons Tragoedia from his hand. Its 2400 ATK is too much for Aggro to handle, so he drops to 5700 Life Points with Solemn Warning to stop it.

Pacman had a plan with that Tragoedia, though, and banishes it and his milled Black Luster Soldier – Envoy of the Beginning for Chaos Sorcerer, and uses player priority to banish Nisamu. However, Aggro is quick with a Compulsory Evacuation Device to stop it, and returns Nisamu to his hand.

Aggro starts his turn with a Karakuri Komachi mdl 224 "Ninishi" and proceeds to Normal Summon another Nisamu, leading Pacman to activate the effect of Maxx "C". Maxx "C" gives Aggro a tough decision and he chooses not to activate the effect of Karakuri Shogun mdl 00 "Burei" when he Synchro Summons it. Pacman still draws a card off of the Synchro, however. Burei attacks over Pacman’s Sorcerer, dropping Pacman down to 4600 Life Points. Aggro sets one backrow before ending his turn.

Pacman banishes Chaos Sorcerer and Ryko for a second Chaos Sorcerer and activates its Ignition Effect in response to its own Summon. Aggro responds with Torrential Tribute, destroying both monsters and sending them to the Graveyard.

Aggro Normal Summons Karakuri Merchant mdl 177 "Inashichi", using its effect to search for a Ninishi and attacks for 500 damage.

Pacman begins his turn his turn with a Pot of Duality, revealing a second Duality, a Monster Reborn, and a Kuriboh. He chooses the Reborn and passes. Aggro Summons Ninishi and Synchros for Naturia Beast, attacking to bring Pacman down to 1900 Life Points.

Pacman sets a monster, only to have a newly-summoned Thunder King Rai-Oh attack over it the next turn. It was Winged Kuriboh, and its effect protects Pacman for the next turn.

The protection wasn’t enough, though, as Pacman reveals next turn that his hand consisted of Dark Hole, Heavy Storm, Monster Reborn, and 2 other Spell Cards. A normally amazing hand was suddenly shut down by a simple Naturia Synchro!

Game 2

Pacman chooses to go first and does so with 2 set Spells or Traps. Aggro then starts his first turn with a Pot of Duality, which reveals Trap Dustshoot, Karakuri Merchant mdl 177 "Inashichi, and Karakuri Ninja mdl 919 "Kuick". Seeing that Pacman has 4 in hand, Aggro takes the obvious pick of adding Trap Dustshoot to his hand. Genex Neutron is Summoned to Aggro’s side of the field, and it attacks Pacman’s Life Points, but Pacman has Kuriboh to negate the damage! Aggro finishes his turn with 2 set cards and searches for a Ninishi in the End Phase.

As soon as Pacman draws for his turn, Aggro’s Trap Dustshoot is activated. Out of Pacman’s Mystical Space Typhoon, Solemn Judgment, Chaos Sorcerer, and Dark Armed Dragon, Aggro chooses to return the threatening Dark Armed Dragon. Pacman sets either the Solemn or the MST before passing.

Aggro makes no plays in Main Phase 1, and simply attacks Pacman directly. Pacman activates his set Flute of Summoning Kuriboh, allowing him to Special Summon Winged Kuriboh. With it destroyed, Pacman would have both a LIGHT and a DARK for Chaos Sorcerer! A replay occurs, and Aggro destroys the Winged Kuriboh with Genex Neutron. Before giving Pacman a chance to Summon his Sorcerer, Aggro sets one Spell or Trap.

Pacman has a feeling about that Spell or Trap, so he uses Mystical Space Typhoon. It turns out that Aggro’s set card was Bottomless Trap Hole, and this makes Pacman feel warm and fuzzy on the inside when he banishes his Kuribohs for Chaos Sorcerer. Pacman chooses not to use the effect, and instead attacks over the Neutron to drop Aggro to 7500 Life Points.

Staring down a Chaos Sorcerer, 2 set cards, and one card in hand, Aggro thinks for a while and eventually plays Dark Hole before giving Pacman a chance to win. Aggro had guessed correctly that Pacman didn’t have anything good, and Pacman simply passes his turn without play. Aggro chooses to set one card, putting him at 4 in hand with 2 set cards. Pacman draws to 3 in hand and passes play.

Aggro Summons Thunder King Rai-Oh, but Pacman has Solemn Warning to stop it and drops to 6000 Life Points. Pacman passes play to Aggro, who passes play back to Pacman, who passes back to Aggro. Aggro draws a Mystical Space Typhoon, and immediately plays it to destroy Pacman’s set Mirror Force. (MSTs should be saved for big plays and stuff guys) Pacman again draws and ends his turn.

Aggro Normal Summons a Ninishi and uses its effect to normal Summon a Kuick, then Synchros the pair for Karakuri Shogun mdl 00 "Burei", activating its effect. A Kuick is Special Summoned from his deck, and he chooses to attack with it. Pacman drops to 4300, then Special Summons a Tragoedia with 3000 ATK.

On his own turn, Pacman attacks the Burei with Tragoedia, but Aggro is at the ready with Compulsory Evacuation Device. With Tragoedia back in his hand, Pacman Dark Holes the field.

Aggro Summons a Thunder King Rai-Oh and attacks directly with it to put Pacman down to 2400 Life Points. Pacman Summons his Tragoedia. The Tragoedia runs over Rai-Oh and drops Aggro to 5800.

Aggro had a play, though, and Special Summons Cyber Dragon from his hand before Normal Summoning Ninishi. Pacman responds to the summon with Maxx “C” as Aggro Normal Summons a Nisamu. From this, he Synchros for Scrap Dragon and destroys his set Chain Disappearance and Pacman’s Tragoedia. Scrap Dragon attacks directly, but Pacman has a Kuriboh in order to not lose. Aggro forgets to attack with Nisamu and ends his turn.

Pacman uses Monster Reborn to target Chaos Sorcerer, and gets Maxx "C"’d. Scrap Dragon is banished by Sorc’s effect before setting a Spell or Trap and ending.

Aggro draws to three in hand, Summons a Karakuri Strategist mdl 248 "Nishipachi", and uses its effect to tilt Chaos Sorcerer on its side. He then Synchro Summons for a Burei, but Pacman responds with Solemn Judgment, causing him to pay 1200 Life Points.

Pacman draws, now at 5 cards in hand. His Pot of Duality reveals a second Duality, a Solemn Warning, and a Thunder King Rai-Oh. The Rai-Oh is added to his hand, and he Summons it to tear down all but 1600 of Aggro’s LP.

Aggro responds during his turn by T-setting. In Pacman’s turn, he attacks over a set Nisamu and Aggro searches for Ninishi in Attack Position. Pacman gives Aggro the right to play, and he Normal Summons both Genex Neutron and Kuick, then Synchros Black Rose Dragon. Rai-Oh’s effect negates it before it can hit the field, and Rai-Oh’s removal allows Genex Neutron to add a Karakuri Watchdog mdl 313 "Saizan" to Aggro's hand.

It’s not enough, though, as Pacman uses Chaos Sorcerer to banish Neutron and then Summons another. 2300 ATK points rips through Aggro’s remaining Life Points!

Game 3

Aggro opts to go first, and begins with Pot of Duality, revealing Cyber Dragon; Gorz the Emissary of Darkness; and Bottmless Trap Hole. Gorz is added to his hand. 2 Spells or Traps are set and Genex Neutron searches for a Ninishi.

Pacman simply sets a backrow. Aggro Summons both Ninishi and a Nishipachi, using Nishipachi to turn itself to defense. Nishipachi and Neutron make a Burei. Pacman, always at the ready, has Solemn Warning to negate the Summon. Pacman passes without play.

Aggro brings out Rai-Oh, a very frequently summoned monster in this match. It attacks directly, but Pacman has Kuriboh to void the damage. Pacman plays Dark Hole in his turn, then gives Aggro a chance to do something. Aggro doesn’t have anything, though, and passes back to Pacman. Pacman places down a Sangan and the little guy gets in there for 1000 damage.

Aggro gets out Cyber Dragon and Normal Summons an Inashichi. Pacman’s Effect Veiler negates the effect, and Aggro chooses to attack Sangan with Cyber Dragon. Sangan searches for Winged Kuriboh as Inashichi declares an attack.

Pacman enters his Draw Phase with 5 in hand and 4400 LP. After drawing a sixth card, he sets one monster, banishes Effect Veiler and Kuriboh, and Special Summons Chaos Sorcerer. Aggro’s Solemn Warning stops it immediately. Pacman sets one card and lets Aggro have his turn to do stuff.

Cyber Dragon attacks the set Winged Kuriboh, and Inashichi attacks directly. One backrow set ends Aggro’s turn. Pacman is at the ready, though, and banishes Chaos Sorcerer and Winged Kuriboh for Black Luster Soldier – Envoy of the Beginning! Pacman’s boss monster proves to be too much for Aggro to leave on board, and he flips up a second Solemn Warning. “You can’t have nice things,” says Aggro as his Life Points become 3000.

Aggro Summons Kuick, then attacks with Cyber Dragon and Kuick (The order of this was actually a very good choice because Pacman had 1 set Spell or Trap, ruling out Gorz completely. Trag being the only real option, it would be better to inflict as much damage as possible). All but 600 of Pacman’s Life Points are wiped out before he Special Summons his Tragoedia in Defense Position. Merchant must attack the Tragoedia, and Aggro loses 700 of his LP.

Tragoedia attacks Kuick, but Aggro again has Compulsory Evacuation Device to bounce it. Pacman sets a monster before giving Aggro the turn.

When Aggro attacks the set Winged Kuriboh with his Kuick, Pacman discards Maxx “C” to hopefully draw 2. A Ninishi is Special Summoned from Aggro’s Graveyard. In the Main Phase 2, Aggro gets out Trishula, Dragon of the Ice Barrier! Pacman draws, then Trishula banishes something from Pacman’s hand and Grave, and his backrow from the field (we were prank calling and I kinda covered the banished zone with Skype so yeah I have no clue what was banished).

Pacman sets cards in the shape of a T before placing his fate in the top card of Aggro’s deck. Trishula attacks over a set Rai-Oh and Cyber Dragon’s direct attack is nulled by Kuriboh. Aggro finishes his turn with a backrow.

Pacman draws, having only 3 cards under his command to Aggro’s 7. He gets out Chaos Sorcerer and activates its Ignition Effect in response to its own Summon. Aggro responds with Shadow-Imprisoning Mirror. Pacman finishes with a set monster.

Aggro plays Monster Reborn on Nishipachi, turns the set Rai-Oh to attack position, and attacks for game.

Good games to both players.

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