Hello Duelists, its I, BehindTheMask here with the KK (Kuick's Kuestions).
I'm reporting here at the YCM Legends Tournament here with a few duelists, asking them the questions YOU MAY WANT TO KNOW.
My first question today is "What deck do you think will win?"
Marsuvees Black answers, "I'm betting plants by one of the better players- Not Greiga. They're top tier, and they seem to be winning games in this tourney like no one's business."
Aggro Drago answered with this (I had made a typo when PMing him, hence the "weird" answer), "Because people seem to underestimate Watts and never really understand how frustrating it is to face Hopperlock until they actually do."
Brandon Geren said "Plants, because Olly is playing them and because best deck!"
Shard, Rainbow Dash, and Horus Cybereltanin responded "PLANTS."
Finally, Olly Problem answered "Tengu Synchro, run by Olly!"
It seems like everyone thinks that Plants will take the cake. Will this be the case? Or will a Dark horse upset everyone's hopes? Tune in to find out.
The next question I asked them is: "What do you think of this tournament?"
Marsuvees Black answered, "It's a good idea, and it seems to have been executed better than most YCM tourneys."
Aggro Drago responded "Big tournament where we get a lot of people to join in? I don't see why not. Though with this kind of game, it becomes obvious that there are people on whole other levels than others."
Brandon Geren said "It's a great idea because lots of people on YCM saying 'HURR HURR I'M DA BEST PLAYA BUT I WON'T PLAY YOU COS I'M ACTUALLY BAD.'"
Shard liked the idea and said "Yea it's a good idea and I'd probably support one every 1-2 Months"
Dash agreed and said "We really need to do this sort of thing more often."
Horus was surprised at how efficiently its run and said "It's a good idea and I'm surprised it isn't as messy as previously thought."
Olly was short in his answer. "Good idea, creates a sense of competition."
There you have it folks, its unanimous, everyone likes this idea. Byak = God, and he can run a great tournament! Looks like we will have to do this again!
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