When we took a look at the deck distribution yesterday, we noticed that a large portion of the decks didn't fall under meta categories, so there are a lot of unusual choices. One of those unusual choices is Aggro Drago's Watt deck, which has quite a few tricks up its sleeve. Let's take a look!
-decklist will be posted after the event-
First, when asked what his deck does, Aggro replies:
"So there is really a 3 step process to this deck. Step one is basic: get out the Hopperlock (getting 2 Watthoppers on the field at the same time). Watts don't do well surviving on their own, that's why I run 2-3 Threatening Roars. Once the Hoppers are on the field, it gives me a lot of leeway to make moves, since my opponent can neither attack any face-up Watts, or target them with any effects. This can be extremely effective at times. Once I was able to lock an Opponent who had a Junk Berserker, a Junk Warrior, an Ally of Justice Catastor, and a Shooting Quasar Dragon because none of them could attack. When it gets to that point, all the opponent can do is either nuke, which I run 3 Starlight Roads to circumvent, or various other small means that involve non-targeting cards, such as Trishula.
Step 2 is time consuming in some regards, but the lock affords enough time, especially if you have Wattcobra to search. The idea is to get out Wattchimera. Once you do, it's essentially game over, since the opponent will be stuck with drawing the same cards over and over again, with the only out being to commit as much resources to the field as possible. After that point it's really just attack until you win (Step 3)."
To fill those in who aren't informative with the archetype, Watts are a group of Thunder-type monsters that have abilities that stun (no pun intended) the opponent and limit their plays. Most of the good watts focus by attacking directly, such as Wattgiraffe, Wattcobra, and Wattpheasant. There are also other Watts that tie the deck together, such as Wattdragonfly, that searches another Watt when it's destroyed by an opponent's card. All of the Watts are weak and need protection to back them up, which is in the form of cards such as Honest and Threatening Roar.
Next, we asked him why he decided to play the deck. He responded:
"About a day before this tourney, I was stuck deciding between playing this and Plants. I was certainly leaning towards Plants because of their obvious superiority, but these Watts hadn't lost in a while and I couldn't remember a time where I wasn't having fun playing them (even against Mike) and I figured it was YCM, so why not?"
As for techs, he said:
"I actually had never played a Wolf in Sheep's Clothing in Watts until about two days before the tournament, but Byakk gave me the idea and I just decided to run with it. It's a very situational card, but I figured that with the amount of searching I'd be doing with Cobra, I'd definitely have a Watthopper in my hand at all times. So far though, I'm starting to think that there's a reason I consider it a tech.
The other card I'm finding use in is Rivalry of Warlords. It's already saved me from Scraps once and it's really a killer against Plants. I've used it extensively in Disaster Dragon and am starting to figure out how to use it here in Watts."
Finally, we asked him if there were any improvements he could make for the deck.
"It's worked pretty well up to this point. The only times it didn't do so well were basically just because I opened with a terrible hand or the opponent was able to find an answer at every point to whatever I played.
As far as what I wish I'd done differently, it certainly comes down to Wolf in Sheep's Clothing. It's a very situational card and I've never found myself able to use it. Other than that, its really just sided cards. There's more than a few decks that I hadn't sided for (because this is YCM and we're crazy) which make using this increasingly worrisome."
So there you have it! Aggro Drago is 1-1 in the tournament, which means he still has a chance of making it to Top 8! Will he carry such an under-the-radar deck to the top? We'll see as the rounds go by!
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