The second match in the Top 8 pits Jesse Hall's Geartown Deck against Alvin Yakatorie's Jurracs!
Alvin wins the Rock, Paper, Scissors game for the right to go first.
Alvin starts with Jurrac Velo and sets two cards to the Spell and Trap Card Zone.
Jesse discards Gravekeeper's Commandant to search out Necrovalley. Then he activates Terraforming to search out Geartown. He then activates Mystical Space Typhoon, targeting and destroying Alvin's Dimensional Prison. He sets a Field Spell and Normal Summons Thunder King Rai-Oh. He attacks with Rai-Oh, but Alvin counters with his other Dimensional Prison, banishing it!
Alvin Normal Summons another Jurrac Velo and attacks directly with both monsters.
(Jesse LP: 4600)
Jesse activates Dark Hole, destroying both monsters. He activates another Terraforming, searching for another Geartown. He sets a Field Spell over his first Geartown, activating its effect to Special Summon Ancient Gear Gadjiltron Dragon! He attacks directly with his Dragon, inflicting 3000 damage!
(Alvin LP: 5000)
Alvin activates his own Dark Hole and then uses Monster Reborn for Jurrac Velo and Normal Summons Jurrac Guaiba. Both of his monsters attack directly.
(Jesse LP: 1200)
Note: Alvin could have won this turn by using Reborn on Gadjiltron Dragon instead to deal a total of 4700 damage.
Jesse Sets a Field over his Set Geartown, Special Summoning his Ancient Gear Gadjiltron Dragon from the Graveyard! He then flips up Necrovalley and attacks Guaiba and sets a backrow.
(Alvin LP: 3700)
Alvin activates Fossil Dig, searching his Deck for Jurrac Guaiba, and Sets a monster.
Jesse Sets another to the backrow and attacks the Set Guaiba.
Alvin Normal Summons Jurrac Dino, and Synchs both of his monsters to Synchro Summon Jurrac Giganoto. With 5 Jurracs in the Graveyard, it gains 1000 ATK, for 3100 total! He attacks, but Jesse flips Mirror Force! He Sets a backrow, but Jesse uses Mystical Space Typhoon to destroy the Torrential Tribute during the End Phase.
Jesse Normal Summons Beast King Barbaros and attacks directly with both monsters for game!
A misplay early on gave Jesse the opportunity to hold out for the long haul and clinch game 1! Alvin will be going first in game 2!
Game 2
Alvin activates Pot of Duality, revealing Forbidden Lance, Solemn Judgment, and Jurrac Dino. He adds Jurrac Dino to his hand and Summons it. He Sets a backrow.
Jesse activates Mystical Space Typhoon to destroy the Torrential Tribute. He then sets a backrow before ending.
Alvin attacks directly with Dino and activates Burden of the Mighty.
(Jesse LP: 6300)
Jesse sets another backrow.
Alvin activates Fossil Dig, searching Jurrac Guaiba. He attacks with Dino, but Jesse activates Dimensional Prison! Alvin ends.
Jesse sets another backrow.
Alvin activates Heavy Storm, destroying Dust Tornado and Bottomless Trap Hole, and Normal Summons Jurrac Guaiba, attacking directly.
(Jesse LP: 4600)
Jesse activates Geartown and banishes Cyber End Dragon from his Extra Deck to Special Summon Malefic Cyber End Dragon, which attacks Guaiba. He sets a backrow.
(Alvin LP: 5700)
Alvin Summons Jurrac Aeolo and activates its effect, Tributing itself to Special Summon Jurrac Guaiba in Defense Position.
Jesse attacks Guaiba and ends.
Alvin Sets a backrow and Normal Summons Kinka-Byo, Special Summoning the Level 1 Jurrac Aeolo from the Graveyard. He activates Aeolo's effect to defend with Guaiba again. During the End Phase, Kinka returns to the hand.
Jesse activates Mystical Space Typhoon, destroying Alvin's Dark Bribe. Malefic Cyber End destroys Guaiba yet again.
Alvin Summons another Jurrac Aeolo and uses its effect for Jurrac Guaiba.
Jesse attacks Guaiba.
Alvin Normal Summons Kinka-Byo to revive Aeolo, which revives Guaiba. He then activates Forbidden Lance on his Guaiba and chains Mystical Space Typhoon, destroying Geartown, destroying Malefic Cyber End and causing Geartown to miss the timing. Both of his monsters attack, but Jesse uses Mirror Force. Due to Lance, Guaiba is unaffected by Spells or Traps this turn but loses 800 ATK. Kinka is destroyed.
(Jesse LP: 3700)
Jesse Sets a backrow.
Alvin activates Fossil Dig for Jurrac Dino, then activates Rekindling to revive his Aeolos, which can revive his Jurracs from the Graveyard for game!
This time, Alvin was able to stall against Jesse's monster until pulling the cards he needed to overcome the combo and win the game! We'll be going to Game 3, which Jesse will start!
Game 3
Jesse discards Gravekeeper's Commandant to search Necrovalley. He then sets a backrow.
Alvin activates Pot of Duality, revealing Forbidden Lance, Fossil Dig, and ??. Adds Fossil Dig and activates it to search Jurrac Velo. He Normal Summons Velo, but Jesse flips Bottomless Trap Hole to banish it. He sets 2 to the backrow.
Jesse activates two copies of Mystical Space Typhoon, destroying Alvin's own Mystical Space Typhoon and Dark Bribe. He then activates his own Pot of Duality, revealing Solemn Warning, Terraforming, and Dimensional Prison. Terraforming is added and is activated to search Geartown. He sets a Field Spell.
Alvin activates another Pot of Duality, revealing Gozen Match, Jurrac Guaiba, and Heavy Storm. Adds Guaiba and Summons it, attacking directly.
(Jesse LP: 6300)
Jesse Sets a Field over his Geartown, Special Summoning Ancient Gear Gadjiltron Dragon! It then attacks Guaiba.
(Alvin LP: 6700)
Alvin activates Burden of the Mighty and Normal Summons Jurrac Aeolo, activating its effect and Tributing it for Jurrac Guaiba in Defense.
Jesse sets a backrow and attacks Guaiba.
Alvin passes.
Jesse sets another backrow and attacks directly with his weakened Gadjiltron Dragon for 2200 damage.
(Alvin LP: 4500)
Alvin activates Rekindling, reviving Jurrac Aeolo. He Tributes Aeolo for Super-Ancient Dinobeast. He attacks, but Jesse uses Dimensional Prison to banish it!
Jesse attacks directly with Gadjiltron.
(Alvin LP: 2300)
Alvin Normal Summons Jurrac Velo.
Jesse activates Dark Hole, then Sets a Field over Geartown, Special Summoning the Gadjiltron Dragon from the Graveyard! He activates Necrovalley and banishes Stardust Dragon from his Extra Deck for Malefic Stardust Dragon. He Normal Summons Gravekeeper's Commandant and flips his Skill Drain for an overkill win!
Jesse's Geartown manages to hold strong and take out Alvin's Jurracs 2-1! Good games!
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