Time for the second deck profile of the event, this time we once again cover one of the rogue decks in the tournament that is doing seemingly well, as it won the most recent feature match. This deck happens to be Dog King's Nordic deck, so let's check it out!
-decklist will be posted after the event-
To start, I asked Dog King how his deck worked.
"Well I pretty much try to have as many options on my moves as possible. So a lot of the time I could have the option of going into Tour Guide From the Underworld or set a Ryko, Lightsworn Hunter. If I look at my hand and have Tanngnjostr of the Nordic Beasts or even better, Gleipir, Fetters of Fenrir I would go for the Ryko, try to destroy their backrow and next turn go for a bigger move. Most of them time I would have a big field of monsters and a lot of the time my opponent knows the cards I have because of Pot of Duality and Gleipnir, but I always try to keep loads of different options in case he attacks card 1, where I could do this or he attacks card 2, and I can do that. Gleipnir is an amazing way to bait out their Mystical Space Typhoons and Heavy Storms, once I had them use two of their MSTs on two of my Gleipnirs which instantly gave them a -2. Thor, Lord of the Aesir may look like the boss of this but I dont really bring it out that much. Its negating effect hasn't helped much and the only real thing I like it is that its a beatstick and it revives itself. The boss card of the deck is Ancient Sacred Wyvern. I can easily summon it and abuse it. Though I actually don't abuse synchros that much. I just play defensive and a lot of the times Gorz, the Emissary of Darkness and Tour Guide finish of a lot of the duels."
After glancing at his decklist, I noticed a few things. First, Dog King was playing an abundant amount of Super-Nimble Mega Hamster and Tanngrisnir of the Nordic Beasts, which gives the deck a large passive approach in a format full of full on aggressive decks, so I asked for his reasoning.
"I dont really see a problem with them. A lot of the time I like revealing that I have Tanngrisnir in my hand with Duality and Gleipnir and then setting a monster so they would think it is the Tanngrisnir so they try to play around it. It also helps me set up my main combo of having it face down and Guldfaxe of the Nordic Beasts and Tanngnjostr in my hand. If everything goes right next turn I end up with Thor and Wyvern."
The next thing I noticed was a lack of Reborn Tengu, a card that seems to have a lot of synergy with the cards played in the deck. So I asked him if he would've played it or not.
"Not really to be honest, since I don't really try to spam out synchros a lot. It would of only been bait for their Dimensional Prisons and other cards. If I actually had space for three of these I would of much rather ran Thunder King Rai-Oh which is really good against most decks."
Solid reasonings on both parts. Really, it all comes down to your personal playstyle, whether you want to play passively or aggressively.
Next, I asked him why he decided to play the deck.
"They are really fun, and they have loads of different combos. I knew nobody was going to use them so I decided why not give them a try."
Then, if he had any techs that he liked in the deck.
"Well my personal tech was to run Blackwing - Gale the Hurricane. I use its effect and it lets me easily go for Trishula, Dragon of the Ice Barrier with all the Level 3s my deck has."
Finally, I asked him if he was comfortable with his choices in his deck and if he thought it was a good choice or not.
"Yes it is, it has been working pretty good. I have been testing them against loads of different decks and most of the match ups are good. Except for a few such as Dark Worlds where I side in about 8 cards against them. To be honest I kinda wanted to play more Effect Veilers and Thunder King Rai-Ohs in the main. Oh and I totally forgot about Horn of the Phantom Beast which is really sad because it would of been really good here."
There you have it, hopefully Dog King's opinions will help players when they decide to build their own Nordic decks! Will Nordics take up one of the top eight slots for the tournament? The answer will be determined in the next round.
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