Sunday, November 13, 2011

Round 2 Feature Match: Aggro Drago vs. Michael Ojama

Our second coverage match of Round 2 is between Michael Ojama and Aggro Drago. Aggro Drago is the only Watt player in the tournament. Michael is also alone with his deck choice, using Agent Gallis. After Aggro outplays Mike at Rock Paper Scissors, he is given the choice to go first.

Game 1

Aggro starts off the game by setting three cards, two backrows and one monster. Play passes to Mike, who sets a lone monster and ends his turn. Aggro summons a Wattcobra. Luckily for Mike, he was able to discard his Effect Veiler to stop the Wattcobra from attacking directly. Aggro sets 2 more backrows, then ends his turn.

Mike starts off his turn by flipping up his Ryko, Lightsworn Hunter to destroy Aggro’s set Solemn Warning. Gallis the Star Beast, Archlord Kristya, and The Agent of Creation – Venus are flipped into the Graveyard from his deck. That Venus was just what Mike needed, and he banishes it to Special Summon Master Hyperion! Kristya is moved to his banished zone to get rid of another one of Aggro’s set cards. But Aggro chains that set card, which turns out to be a Threatening Roar. With nothing left to do, Mike passes to Aggro.

Aggro draws, then decides to go straight into his Battle Phase. However, upon declaration of an end to the Main Phase, Mike discards another Effect Veiler to stop the Wattcobra. The people of Watchers’ Chat went wild, and even Byak used his mod powers to talk on the regular chat, wondering, “WHY CAN’T I HOLD ALL THESE VEILERS?” Aggro proceeds to attack the Ryko, bringing Mike down to 7200 Life Points.

Immediately after ending and letting Mike draw a card, Aggro flips his set Trap Dustshoot. With it, he returns Mike’s Master Hyperion. Mike Normal Summons The Agent of Mystery – Earth to search for a second Venus. Earth crashes into Wattcobra, and Hyperion destroys a set Wattdragonfly. Dragonfly let Aggro scroll through his deck to find a second Cobra to bring onto the field. Michael banishes Earth to destroy yet another backrow, and ends his turn.

Aggro starts by Normal Summoning and attacking with both of his Watts, and disappointingly Mike doesn’t have a third Veiler. Mike drops to 5000 Life Points as Aggro searches for a Watthopper. In his Main Phase 2, Aggro Xyz Summons Lavalval Chain, detaching Cobra to put a second Watthopper on top of his deck, in preparation for a Watthopper lock. Aggro passes play to Mike.

Mike Normal Summons his Venus, paying 1000 Life Points for two copies of Mystical Shine Ball, bringing his Life Points down to 4000. Next, he Xyz Summons Gachi Gachi Gantetsu, boosting Venus to 2000 ATK and Hyperion to 3100. Venus inflicts 200 damage by attacking over Chain, and 3100 more is inflicted from Hyperion. With Aggro at 4700 Life Points, Mike ends his turn.

Aggro doesn’t even have to think; he had been planning this play for quite some time. He Normal Summons Watthopper and playes Photon Lead to get out another Hopper from his hand. Now, Mike will have a very hard time getting rid of this lockdown. Mike takes a very long time thinking about what to do. He’s obviously having trouble deciding what to do, looking through his extra deck and banished zone for extended periods of time. With a “:(” and a “God damn,” the watchers’ chat is filled with Jesse’s alt accounts and bandwagoners saying, “/chal” Mike ends.

Aggro sets a Spell or Trap, turns his Attack Position Watthopper to Defense, and ends. Mike sets a monster and passes to Aggro, who also sets a monster before ending his turn. Mike, sitting at 6 cards in hand and 4 on field, decides to go another turn without playing any cards. Aggro decides that the game has been going to slowly, and Normal Summons Wattgiraffe, attacking directly with it. Mike takes the damage and attempts to Summon Tragoedia. But Aggro won’t have any of that, and directs Mike to Wattgiraffe’s effect. Mike reluctantly returns Tragoedia to his hand as it becomes his turn.

(Note: this play is actually legal, because Wattgiraffe and Tragoedia have the same timing. Wattgiraffe would be chain link 1, and Tragoedia would be chain link 2. Since chains resolve backwards, Tragoedia would resolve and summon before Wattgiraffe's effect is applied)

Mike Normal Summons Sangan, and Flip Summons his formerly set Genex Ally Birdman. Birdman is sent to the Graveyard along with Sangan and Venus to Synchro Summon Mike's only possible out for this situation, Trishula, Dragon of the Ice Barrier! Once there is a general consensus about Trishula not targeting, Aggro sends his Effect Veiler to the Graveyard to stop it, but Mike has an answer! He discards Herald of Orange Light along with Sephylon, the Ultimate Time Lord to stop the Veiler! Without the Veiler, Aggro has nothing left in hand to be banished by Trishula. But Mike can still banish one Watthopper from the field and one Wattcobra from the Grave. Next, Mike uses Hyperion’s effect to banish Herald of Orange Light to destroy Aggro’s set A Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing. With that, Aggro only has one more Spell or Trap Card set.

Next, Mike banishes Sangan and Effect Veiler for Chaos Sorcerer, so that he can also banish Aggro’s second Watthopper. Then, Chaos Sorcerer returns to Mike’s hand to Special Summon Genex Ally Birdman, then Summons his Sorcerer again by banishing Birdman and Veiler. Choosing not to use Sorcerer’s effect, Mike Synchro Summons R-Genex Locomotion with his Birman and Chaos Sorcerer. Using its effect, he takes Wattgiraffe. Aggro admits defeat and both players go for their side decks.

Game 2

As the loser of game one, Aggro chooses to go first for game two. He sets a monster and two backrows before passing. Michael Summons The Agent of Mystery – Earth, searching for The Agent of Creation – Venus and ending his turn.

Aggro Summons Wattgiraffe, attacking into Earth for 200 damage. Mike drops Tragoedia in Attack Mode with 3000 ATK because of his 5 cards in hand. Aggro activates Dark Hole in his Main Phase 2, then chains Starlight Road to it to Special Summon Stardust Dragon.

Mike discards Archlord Kristya with Tragoedia’s effect to take Aggro’s Stardust! Tragoedia, still at 3000 ATK, attacks Wattgiraffe inflicting 1800 damage to Aggro. Then, Stardust attacks into Aggro’s set Watthopper. Before passing, Mike sets a monster.

Aggro activates Recycling Batteries to add Wattgiraffe and Watthopper to his hand from his Graveyard. Following this, Aggro sets a monster and ends his turn. Mike uses Stardust Dragon to attack Aggro’s set Wattfox, then attacks directly with Tragoedia.

With Mike at 7800 and Aggro at 3200, Aggro concedes.

With a brutal misplay, Aggro quickly loses control of game 2 and the match goes to Michael Ojama with his Gallis Agents!

-coverage by robotbowtie

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