Friday, November 25, 2011

Top 4: Brandon Geren vs. Michael Ojama

The penultimate duel of the Tournament is at hand! The winner of this Duel will face Olly in the Final Match. The matchup is Brandon Geren's Scraps against the feared power of Michael Ojama's Gallis Deck! Who will triumph and take their place in the main stage?

Top 4: Olly Problem vs. Jesse Hall

We're down to the last 4 competitors now, and the first match played will be Olly Problem vs Jesse Hall's Geartown Deck! Things are really heating up now, as each match narrows down the competition until only one remains!

Top 4 Pairings!

We have narrowed it down to Top 4! Which of these duelists will proceed to the finals?

Olly Problem (playing Plant Synchro) vs. Jesse Hall (playing Geartown)
Olly Problem wins and moves on to the Finals!

Michael Ojama (playing Gallis Agent) vs. Brandon Geren (playing Scrap)
Brandon Geren wins and moves on to the Finals!

Top 8: Dog King vs. Olly Problem

The final matchup of the Top 8 pits Olly Problem and his Plant Synchro Deck against Dog King's Nordics. Nordics are considered an underdog in this matchup, but just maybe they can prove otherwise and take down Olly's fabled Deck.

Top 8: Jesse Hall vs. Alvin Yakatorie

The second match in the Top 8 pits Jesse Hall's Geartown Deck against Alvin Yakatorie's Jurracs!

Top 8: Revenge Match! Brandon Geren vs. Zen Vikuda

The third Coverage Match of the Top 8 sees Brandon Geren and his Scrap Deck facing off against Zen Vikuda's HEROs! This match was recorded and then passed on to me for written coverage.

This isn't the first time we've seen these duelists square off before. They played against each other and swiss and Zen took home the win! Now it's Top 8. Will Zen come through on top once again, or will Brandon get his revenge?

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Top 8: Michael Ojama vs. Klavier Gavin

At long last, we're in the Top 8 of the fantastic YCM Legends Tournament!

The first match played today is pitting Michael Ojama's Gallis Deck against Klavier Gavin's Karakuri Machina Plant Deck! Let's see how the first competitors in the finals play their games!

Top 8 Pairings!

It has all come down to this. Eight players have gone above the others and are now the only ones left. In the end, however, there will only be one. Who will it be?

Jesse Hall (playing Geartown) vs Alvin Yakatorie (playing Jurrac)
Jesse Hall wins and moves on to Top 4!

Dog King (playing Nordics) vs Olly Problem (playing Plant Synchro)
Olly Problem wins and moves on to Top 4!

Zen Vikuda (playing Miracle HERO) vs Brandon Geren (playing Scrap)
Brandon Geren wins and moves on to Top 4!

Michael Ojama (playing Gallis Agent) vs Klavier Gavin (playing Karakuri)
Michael Ojama wins and moves on to Top 4!

All Top 8 matches are to be featured. Organize a time with someone on the coverage team before you play your match.

Standings after Round 5!

Here are the final standings after Round 5!

Round 5 Feature Match: CipherAdmin MirorB vs. Dante Sparda

The second Coverage Match of Swiss Round 5 is between CipherAdmin MirorB (Miror) vs Dante Sparda, pitting the power of HEROs against Synchrons.

Round 5 Feature Match: Jesse Hall vs. Zen Vikuda

The first coverage of the fifth round pits Jesse Hall (Red W Mage/Chaosinfiniti) vs Zen Vikuda (Zen-Psi)! Both players are currently undefeated, but only one will come out on top! Let's hope they give us an intense fight!

Jesse is playing Malefic Geartown, while his opponent is playing Miracle HERO.

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Pairings for Round 5!

Here are the pairings for Round 5!

Standings after Round 4!

Here are the standings after Round 4!

Deck Profile: Dog King's Nordic deck!

Time for the second deck profile of the event, this time we once again cover one of the rogue decks in the tournament that is doing seemingly well, as it won the most recent feature match. This deck happens to be Dog King's Nordic deck, so let's check it out!

Round 4 Feature Match: Black Bend vs. Dog King

The last coverage match of Round 4 is matching Dog King against Black Bend (Zextra)! This match was recorded by RobotBowtie in order to better capture some of the duel details, and written coverage has been provided by me.

Dog King is playing Nordics, while Black Bend is playing Dark Worlds.

Black triumphs in Rock, Paper, Scissors and takes the option of going first in this duel!

Friday, November 18, 2011

More Quick Questions: Your opinions on the coverage!

Now for some more Quick Questions!

Over the course of yesterday and today I asked participants what they thought of the sudden, yet vast coverage and what could be done with it!

The question: how are you liking the YCM Legends coverage so far, and what is your favorite part? How could it be improved?

Round 4 Feature Match: Rodrigo Rubio vs. Rai Say

The next featured match is between Rodrigo Rubio (-Noel-) and Rai Say (Cursed Reaction)!

Due to connection issues, these matches had to be replayed several times, but we managed to complete the ones necessary for coverage. Rodrigo won Rock, Paper Scissors to earn the honor of beginning this duel!

Rodrigo is playing Crane Blackwing, while his opponent is playing Geartown!

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Quick Questions: Your opinions on Order of Chaos!

It's time for more quick questions! With a Q!

BehindTheMask's KK's (Kuick's Kuestions)!

Hello Duelists, its I, BehindTheMask here with the KK (Kuick's Kuestions).

I'm reporting here at the YCM Legends Tournament here with a few duelists, asking them the questions YOU MAY WANT TO KNOW.

Round 3 Feature Match: Olly Problem vs. Michael Ojama

The second coverage match of Round 3 is pitting Olly Problem (Pot of Problem) against Michael Ojama (Boosterboy). Both duelists have been featured in previous rounds, a perplexing "pot of problems" in its own right, but let's see what duel these two can bring to the stage today!

The two first square off in a friendly game of Rock, Paper, Scissors, the traditional warm-up to the duel. Michael emerges triumphant and the two switch to a more modern form of combat: Card games!

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Round 3 Feature Match: Klavier Gavin vs. Tristan T. Taylor

The first feature match of Round 3 is between Klavier Gavin and Tristan T. Taylor. Klavier is playing the less popular Karakuri Machina Plant deck as opposed to pure Karakuri, and Tristan is playing Gate HERO. Both decks have easy ways to put beaters on the board, but which deck will come out on top?

Pairings for Round 3!

Here are pairings for Round 3!

Standings after Round 2!

Here are the standings after Round 2!

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Deck Profile: What deck? Aggro Drago's Watt deck!

When we took a look at the deck distribution yesterday, we noticed that a large portion of the decks didn't fall under meta categories, so there are a lot of unusual choices. One of those unusual choices is Aggro Drago's Watt deck, which has quite a few tricks up its sleeve. Let's take a look!

Round 2 Feature Match: Aggro Drago vs. Michael Ojama

Our second coverage match of Round 2 is between Michael Ojama and Aggro Drago. Aggro Drago is the only Watt player in the tournament. Michael is also alone with his deck choice, using Agent Gallis. After Aggro outplays Mike at Rock Paper Scissors, he is given the choice to go first.

Round 2 Feature Match: Brandon Geren vs. Evoltile Westside

The next coverage match is set between Brandon Geren (RobotBowtie) and Evoltile Westside (GreigaBeastDS)!

The match begins with a Rock, Paper, Scissors game, and after a pair of ties, Evoltile emerges triumphant, seizing the opportunity of going first!

Brandon is playing Scraps in this tournament, while his opponent Evoltile is playing Rabbit! Surprisingly enough, he is the only Rabbit player in the tournament. Will he succeed and bring Rabbit to the top?

Friday, November 11, 2011

Round 1 Feature Match: Alvin Yakatorie vs. Gus Lockhart

The second coverage match of byak's YCM Legends Tournament is between Alvin Yakatorie (ZeroChill) and Gus Lockhart (Welche), piloting Jurracs and Ojamas, respectively.

Deck breakdown for YCM Legends Tournament - November 2011

Given such a small pool of players, the YCM Legends Tournament has a variety of different decks, with one deck not outstanding too much as others. Let's take a look at what we have for this event!

Round 1 Feature Match: Olly Problem vs. Shard YouProbablyKnowMeOnYcmBecauseImBadAtYgo

The first coverage match of byak's YCM Legends Tourney match is between Shard YouProbablyKnowMeOnYcmBecauseImBadAtYgo (Shard) and Olly Problem (Kyosuke Kiryu)! Both duelists have their skill reputations known to the general public, so let's see what kind of duel they bring us!
Olly is playing Plant Synchro and Shard is playing Dark World

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Welcome to the first YCM Legends Tournament and the coverage blog!

First off, thanks for browsing the site. This blog has been created to keep all of our coverage articles for the Legends Tournaments in one place. We'll have the place full of all sorts of articles thanks to our coverage team! Expect feature matches, deck profiles, quick questions, and possibly more!

Second, I'd like to welcome the players to the first YCM Legends Tournament. It all seems a bit impromptu, but regardless most people managed to get everything setup in time. We still lack a couple decklists, but it's not a problem as long as they're turned in during Round 1. With twenty six competitors, we will have five rounds, with a cut to top eight, where the top players will play off for something that will be explained later.

I am posting this four hours before the official start of Round 1. To reiterate the pairings:

This round's feature matches will be:

Table 7: Olly Problem vs. Shard YouProbablyKnowMeOnYcmBecauseImBadAtYgo
Table 8: Gus Lockhart vs. Alvin Yakatorie

So expect those to show up in a few days! The first deck profile will be in Round 2, so look out for that as well!

Anyways, players, contact your opponents and schedule times for playing. You have three days.